Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'd like to dedicate this one to the man with three Chrome bags...

So, Sommers asked for lots of photos. Here's the first batch.

This is the condo I'm living in for the next two months. There are five of us there (one for each bedroom), and our nextdoor neighbor ran the Vermont leg of Bush's last presidental campaign. I smell a prank war... Or a steel-cage death match.

This is the view from the back of the place, hinted at in the first photo.

Where the magic happens.

Light, summer reading.

Sore as I found myself this morning, I gathered I couldn't possibly fare better crawling the Main Street hill, so I opted to walk into town. On foot, the route involves a brief shimmy through the woods, and a stroll through a rather old graveyard.

Don't hurt yourself, Scott.

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